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REACTION is delivering better and more efficient healthcare services in Europe, thus supporting the Commissions activities in ICT for Health: eHealth.

The REACTION platform allows for the creation of inclusive applications with accessibility for all. The project supports the Commissions campaign: eInclusion - be part of it!

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The REACTION project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Personal Health Systems under Grant Agreement no. 248590

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Downloads: Care@Home


The ageing of western society is a great challenge that is having a major impact on healthcare costs and community resources. Overcoming the problems of ageing and chronic conditions can only be achieved by transforming the current healthcare system with an integrated approach where multidisciplinary care teams, self-management and community involvement all play a central role. Technology is essential to this transition successful. Care@Home is about enabling empowerment, wellness and social care services to the home of the elderly through interactive multimedia SmartTV. The idea is to enclose the social support system for the elderly and carry this as a personalized communication and service channel in their home. Whereby the technology provide a two-way communication for family, friends and care givers as well as entertainment and services for household, shopping and community information.

Care@Home involve continuous, automatic and remote monitoring (e.g. by mobile phone/wireless / fixed sensors) of real time emergencies and lifestyle changes over time in order to manage the risks associated with independent living. Care@Home enables such care services to the home environment without the prohibitive costs of retrofitting existing dwellings. Care@Home aims at creating an open platform able to enable services to elderly who care to live independently while enjoying the assurance of timely access to caregivers when needed and thereby offer better living which provides elderly around the world with a sense of security, comfort and joy. In this presentation the use of SmartTV technology is put in perspective of the healthcare paradigm shift illustrated by practical examples in the current social-economic context.

16. October 2013 09:52
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