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REACTION is affilliated with these programs and organisations:

REACTION is delivering better and more efficient healthcare services in Europe, thus supporting the Commissions activities in ICT for Health: eHealth.

The REACTION platform allows for the creation of inclusive applications with accessibility for all. The project supports the Commissions campaign: eInclusion - be part of it!

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The REACTION project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Personal Health Systems under Grant Agreement no. 248590

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Web Links: Commercial devices

CeQur wearable insulin patch infuser
The CeQur insulin infuser includes a disposable insulin reservoir that attaches to a reusable electronic messenger. The device easily attaches to the patient's abdominal area with a safe and secure adhesive backing. Once in place, insulin is delivered subcutaneously through a fine, soft tube or cannula from the reservoir that is changed by the patient every few days.
Date Added: 19-05-2010 Visits: 2806
iBGStar® Blood Glucose Meter
The iBGStar® is the first available blood glucose meter that seamlessly connects to the iPhone® and iPod touch® allowing you to view and analyse accurate, reliable information in ‘real time’. Using the technology built into your iPhone® or iPod touch®, you can share this information with your healthcare professional while on-the-go, to help you make better-informed diabetes-related decisions together.
Date Added: 30-05-2011 Visits: 4177
Acute Technologies Hydra Healthcare Gateway
The Hydra Healthcare Gateway operates as a bridge between a ZigBee Home Area Network (HAN) and a cellular network Wide Area Network (WAN). It is designed to be unobtrusive, for simple operation, and to be inexpensive. It can be installed by the user and requires no configuration – just plug it in and start sending messages.

It is implemented as a module that plugs into a mains wall socket, and has both a male and female 240V connector. This is to ensure the simplest possible solution for users. There are no unsightly wires and the user does not lose the use of the mains socket.
Date Added: 30-03-2012 Visits: 2818