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The REACTION project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Personal Health Systems under Grant Agreement no. 248590

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Download title Date Author Version Downloads Comments Rating
Clustering event
Agenda 17-10-2013 -- 2421 0 --
Agenda for the Clustering Event on Ambient Intelligence Advanced Technologies in Support of Healthcare and Assisted Living at the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, on 26-27th September, 2013.
Description of projects participating 17-10-2013 -- 2512 0 --
Short description of projects presented in four different thematic sessions: Personal Health Systems for Diabetes, Social Care through Robots, Social Care, Personal Health Systemsa and Falls.
Welcome Address from the REACTION project 16-10-2013 -- 2197 0 --
Presented by Lydia Montandon, Project Coordinator, REACTION, Atos, Spain
Welcome Address, Geral Cultot 16-10-2013 -- 2322 0 --
DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission.
Welcome Address, Jan Komarek 16-10-2013 -- 2767 0 --
Jan Komarek, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Directorate H: Sustainable and Secure Society, Digital Social Platforms, European Commission
Clustering event - session 1
REACTION 16-10-2013 -- 2438 0 --
A Service Platform for Remote Accessibility to Diabetes Management and Therapy. Presented by Lydia Montandon Atos, Spain
AP@home: Bringing the artificial pancreas home 16-10-2013 -- 2580 0 --
Presented by Steve Lane, Triteq Co, UK
Commodity12 16-10-2013 -- 2654 0 --
A Smart e-Health Environment for Diabetes Management. Presented by Oliver Keller, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
Empower 16-10-2013 -- 5231 0 --
An intelligent self-management pathway for diabetes patients. Presented by Manuela Plössnig, Salzburg Research, Austria
Clustering event - session 2
Dali 16-10-2013 -- 3195 0 --
Exploring new frontiers for assisted living devices. Presented by Daniele Fontanelli, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
Accompany 16-10-2013 -- 3315 0 --
Acceptable robotiCs COMPanions for AgeiNg Years, concept and progress. Presented by Farshid Amirabdollahian, University of Hertfordshire, UK
GiraffPlus 16-10-2013 -- 2287 0 --
Combining social interaction & long term monitoring for promoting independent living. Presented by António Damasceno, ISA sensing, Portugal
Hobbit: The Mutual Care Robot 16-10-2013 -- 2188 0 --
Alexandra Schmid, Akademie Fur Altersforschung Am Haus Der Barmherzigkeit, Austria
Clustering event - session 3
p-Medicine 16-10-2013 -- 2346 0 --
Smart recommendation services enabling patient profiling and intelligent patient-doctor. Presented by Haridimos Kondylakis, FORTH-ICS, Greece
BackHome, BrainAble 16-10-2013 -- 2796 0 --
Brain Computer Interfaces on track to home to provide active independent living. Presented by Guillem Serra, Barcelona Digital Technology Centre, Spain
Care@Home 16-10-2013 -- 2362 0 --
SmartTV technology as window on the world and eHealth interface. Presented by Nick Guldemond, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
inCasa 16-10-2013 -- 2270 0 --
Presenting results from the inCASA Remote Monitoring Platform. Presented by Malcolm Clarke, Russell Jones, Brunel University, UK
Saapho 16-10-2013 -- 2569 0 --
Context-aware participation, safety and healthcare services to foster Active Ageing. Presented by Guillem Serra, Barcelona Digital Technology Centre, Spain
UniversAAL: An enabler of AAL service space 16-10-2013 -- 2724 0 --
Presented by Ioannis Moulos, CERTH, Greece
Clustering event - session 4
MovingLife 16-10-2013 -- 2655 0 --
A roadmap for supporting mHealth wide deployment. Presented by Ann-Katrin Habbig, VUB, Belgium
Rempark 16-10-2013 -- 2637 0 --
Technological approach for Parkinson Disease assessment and management. Presented by Joan Cabestany, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Dem@Care 16-10-2013 -- 4245 0 --
Dementia Ambient Care: Multi-Sensing Monitoring for Intelligent Remote Management and Decision Support. Presented by Alexia Briassouli, CERTH, Greece
eHealthMonitor 16-10-2013 -- 2361 0 --
Knowledge Sharing for Patient Guidance eHealth Services. Presented by Michael Schüle, Universität Hohenheim, Germany
Antilope and Shared Care Platform 16-10-2013 -- 2564 0 --
Presented by Morten Bruun-Rasmussen, MEDIQ, Denmark
MobiGuide 16-10-2013 -- 2646 0 --
A Ubiquitous Knowledge-driven and Context-aware Clinical Guidance System. Presented by Arturo Gonzalez Ferrer, University of Haifa, Israel
Seminar 16-10-2013 -- 5660 0 --
Natural Interaction in Ambient Intelligence Environments. Presentation by Margherita Antona, Project Manager, FORTH-ICS
Clustering event - session 5
Farseeing 16-10-2013 -- 3350 0 --
The design of smart and assistive environments that stimulate physical activity and prevents falls. Presented by Lorenzo Chiari, Università di Bologna, Italy
I-Dont-Fall 16-10-2013 -- 3130 0 --
An innovative solution to improve fall prevention and detection. Presented by Gianna Tsakou, SingularLogic S.A., Greece
Fate 16-10-2013 -- 2374 0 --
Experiences on an automatic detection service of falls for elderly people. Presented by Joan Cabestany, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
e-No Falls 16-10-2013 -- 2555 0 --
First period results or/and the relation with EIP on Active and Healthy Aging A2 (Fall Prevention). Presented by Andreu Catala, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
D10-2 Integration and test plan for BAN PAN infrastructure 11-03-2011 Admin 1.4 2916 0 --
D12-1 Project website 19-09-2010 Admin 3.0 4758 0 --
D2-1 Scenarios for usage of the REACTION platform 19-09-2010 Admin 5.0 4792 0 --
D2-2 Clinical watch report 07-08-2012 Admin 2.0 4581 0 --
D2-3 Technology watch report 07-08-2012 Admin 2.0 4167 0 --
D2-4 Market and Regulatory Standards Watch Report.pdf 07-08-2012 Admin 1.2 5112 0 --
D2-7 Validation Framework 11-03-2011 Admin 1.1 2550 0 --
D2-8 The requirement engineering process 07-08-2012 Admin 3.0 2306 0 --
D3-10 Survey on CGM and Insulin Pumps 11-03-2011 Admin 3.0 3145 0 --
D4-1 State of the Art – Concepts & technology for a unified data fusion architecture 07-08-2012 Admin 2.0 3030 0 --
D4-3 Technical Requirements for Medical Data Management 19-09-2010 Admin 1.2 4473 0 --
D4-5 Integration with emergency centres, Results-and-experiences 09-07-2013 10 2779 0 --
This deliverable reflects current discussion on how to optimise care in real time for an emergency situation while engaging and supporting patients with the new technologies and applications.
D5-1 Communication standards within BAN and PAN 19-09-2010 Admin 1.1 5705 0 --
D5-6 REACTION SDK Software Development Kit tools.pdf 09-07-2013 1.0 3095 0 --
The REACTION Software Development Kit (SDK) will allow developers to rapidly create new networked applications on the REACTION platform.
D6-1 Disease Management Strategies for Diabetes 11-03-2011 Admin 1.7 4518 0 --
Journal papers
Diabetes Management Using Modern Information and Communication Technologies and New Care Models 05-10-2012 -- 2546 0 --
Spanakis, E.G., Chiarugi, F., Kouroubali, A., Spat, S., Beck, B., Asanin, S., Rosengren, P., Gergely, G.T., and Thestrup, J.: Diabetes Management Using Modern Information and Communication Technologies and New Care Models. i-JMR Interactive Journal.
A systematic review of predictive risk models for diabetes complications based on large scale clinic 08-08-2013 -- 2281 0 --
Lagani V, Koumakis L, Chiarugi F, Lakasing E and Tsamardinos I. A systematic review of predictive risk models for diabetes complications based on large scale clinical studies. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications.
Efficacy, usability and sequence of operations of a workflow-integrated algorithm for basal-bolus in 08-08-2013 -- 2890 0 --
Mader J., Neubauer K.M., Schaupp L., Augustin T., Beck P., Spat S., Höll B., Treiber G., Fruhwald F., Pieber T.R., Plank J. in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Journal.
Failure to control hyperglycemia in non-critically ill diabetic patients despite standard glycemic m 08-08-2013 -- 1824 0 --
Neubauer K.M., Schaupp L., Plank J., Augustin T., Mautner S.I., Tschapeller B., Pieber T.R.: Failure to control hyperglycemia in non-critically ill diabetic patients despite standard glycemic management in a hospital setting, Journal of Diabetes Science
A Generic Integrated Physiologically based Whole-body Model of the Glucose-Insulin-Glucagon Regulato 14-08-2013 -- 2883 0 --
S. Schaller, S. Willmann, J. Lippert, L. Schaupp, T. R. Pieber, A. Schuppert, T. Eissing in CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology, August 2013, doi:10.1038/psp.2013.40
Evolution of a Detailed Physiological Model to Simulate the Gastrointestinal Transit and Absorption 09-01-2014 -- 1853 0 --
Thelen, Kirstin; Coboeken, Katrin; Willmann, Stefan; Burghaus, Rolf; Dressman, Jennifer B.;Lippert, Jörg; in Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 100(12), December 2011.
Biomarker signature identification in “omics” data with multi-class outcome 14-01-2014 -- 4668 0 --
Vincenzo Lagani, George Kortas, Ioannis Tsamardinos, in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 2013. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5936/csbj.201303004
mHealth & Data Protection - The Letter & the Spirit of Consent Legal Requirements 14-01-2014 -- 5674 0 --
Eugenio Mantovania and Paul Quinn in International Review of Law, Computer and Technology, 1st July 2013
In vivo evaluation of a chip based near infrared sensor for continuous glucose monitoring 14-01-2014 -- 2111 0 --
Lhoucine Ben Mohammadi, Thomas Klotzbuecher, Susanne Sigloch, Knut Welzel, Michael Göddel, Thomas R. Pieber, Lukas Schaupp in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, March 2014
Sichere Nutzung von Cloud-Speicherdiensten 14-01-2014 -- 2289 0 --
Lukas Kalabis, Thomas Kunz, Ruben Wolf in in Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – DuD, published August 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s11623-013-0209-8
Peer-reviewed abstracts
Erhebung des stationären Blutzuckermanagements bei nicht-kritisch kranken PatientInnen 20-03-2012 Admin -- 2534 0 --
Neubauer, K; Plank, J; Schaupp, L; Buttinger, M; Schneeberger, M, Höll, B, Spat, S; Beck, P; Tschapeller, B; Pieske, B; Pieber, T. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. 2011; -39. Jahrestagung der ÖDG (Austrian Diabetes Association), Salzburg Austria, 17-19 Nov
Persistent Hyperglycemia in Hospitalized Patients with Diabetes Despite Considerable Operating Expen 09-08-2013 -- 2609 0 --
Neubauer K., Mader J., Plank J., Schaupp L., Beck P., Augustin T., Narath S., Pieske B., Pieber T.R., American Diabetes Association 72nd Scientific Sessions June 8 - 12, 2012, Philadelphia, USA, Diabetes Volume: 61 (6) Suppl: 1 A628, 2012
Anwenderakzeptanz von Insulindosierungsvorschlägen eines auf Basis-Bolustherapie basierenden Algo 14-01-2014 -- 1603 0 --
Mader J.K., Neubauer K., Schaupp L., Augustin T., Spat S., Höll B., Beck P., Pieber T.R., Plank J. 48. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Diabetes Gesellschaft, Leiprzig, Germany, May 8-11, 2013
GlucoTab: Ein tablet-basiertes, mobiles Entscheidungsunterstützungs- und Workflowmanagementsystem zu 14-01-2014 -- 1546 0 --
Stephan Spat, Bernhard Höll, Katharina Neubauer, Lukas Schaupp, Peter Beck, Julia Mader, Thomas Pieber for 58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Lübeck, Germany, 1-5th September 2013.
Presentation material
Flyer about REACTION 04-10-2010 Admin 2.0 4712 0 --
REACTION poster - prepared for printing 12-01-2011 Admin 2.0 2144 0 --
REACTION poster 12-01-2011 Admin 2.0 2206 0 --
REACTION in-hospital poster 03-09-2013 -- 1703 0 --
Poster describing the in-hospital aims in REACTION
REACTION brochure 15-04-2014 -- 30062 0 --
This catalogue presents the main achievements of the REACTION project with 22 results coming from the project.
Presentation esundhedsobservatoriet 02-01-2014 -- 2832 0 --
Presentation (in Danish) made by Jesper Thestrup from REACTION partner IN-JET at one of the largest Danish eHealth conferences; E-sundhedsobservatoriet (The eHealth Observatory), December 2013
Project documents
Information extraction public user guide 03-06-2012 Admin 1.0 2115 0 --
User guide for using and understanding the Pattern management in diabetes care demonstrator
Workshop: Implementation of Telemedicine Solutions 24-10-2013 Admin 1.0 2112 0 --
Programme for a training workshop on practical implementation of diabetes management and telemedicine (in Danish).
Project publications
REACTION Newsletter #1 November 2010 08-12-2010 Admin 1.0 2027 0 --
REACTION Newsletter #2 April 2011 21-04-2011 Admin 1.0 2084 0 --
REACTION newsletter #3 August 2011 30-08-2011 Admin -- 2244 0 --
REACTION Newsletter #3 August 2011 30-08-2011 Admin -- 2213 0 --
REACTION Newsletter #4 June 2012 27-06-2012 Admin 1.0 1983 0 --
REACTION newsletter #5 August 2013 04-10-2013 -- 2010 0 --
Read about the start of the primary care pilot offering 203 diabetes patients access to a range of REACTION health services.
Scientific conference papers
Design of a mobile, safety-critical in-hospital Glucose Management System 16-05-2011 Admin -- 12989 0 --
Hoell, B.; Spat, S.; Plank, J.; Schaupp, L.; Neubauer, K.; Beck, P.; Chiarugi, F.; Kontogiannis, V.; Pieber, R. T. & Holzinger, in proceedings of International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics - MIE2011, 28-31 August 2011
Design einer mobilen Anwendung für das stationäre Glukosemanagment 01-07-2011 Admin Final 2909 0 --
Hoell, B.; Spat, S.; Plank, J.; Schaupp, L.; Neubauer, K.; Beck, P.; Pieber, T. R. & Holzinger, A., eHealth2011, 26-27 May 2011, Vienna, Austria.
Exploring new Care Models in Diabetes Management and Therapy with a Wireless Mobile eHealth Platform 01-08-2011 Admin -- 3186 0 --
Jesper Thestrup, Tamas Gergely, Peter Beck; 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - MobiHealth 2011, Kos Island, Greece, 5-7 October, 2011.
A Mobile Android-based Application for in-hospital Glucose Management in compliance with the Medical 23-08-2011 Admin -- 3541 0 --
Stephan Spat, Bernhard Höll, Peter Beck, Franco Chiarurgi, Vasilis Kontogiannis, Manolis Spanakis, Dimitris Manousos, Thomas R. Pieber in proceedings of 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, MobiHealth 2011
Diabetes Management: Devices, ICT Technologies and Future Perspectives 23-08-2011 Admin -- 3386 0 --
Emmanouil G. Spanakis, Franco Chiarugi, 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare MobiHealth 2011, Kos Island, Greece, 5-7 October, 2011.
Developing advanced technology services for diabetes management: User preferences in Europe 01-09-2011 Admin -- 3317 0 --
Angelina Kouroubali, Franco Chiarugi; 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - MobiHealth 2011, Kos Island, Greece, 5-7 October, 2011.
Risk assessment models for diabetes complications: a survey of available on line tools 01-09-2011 Admin -- 3790 0 --
Lefteris Koumakis, Franco Chiarugi, Vincenzo Lagani, Angelina Kouroubali, Ioannis Tsamardinos; 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth 2011), Kos Island, Greece, 5-7 October, 2011.
Service-Oriented Middleware Architecture for Mobile Personal Health Monitoring 20-03-2012 Admin -- 3103 0 --
Matts Ahlsén, Stefan Asanin, Peeter Kool, Peter Rosengren, Jesper Thestrup; 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - MobiHealth 2011, Kos Island, Greece, 5-7 October, 2011.
Learning from mixture of experimental data: a constraint-based approach 22-05-2012 Admin -- 3045 0 --
Lagani V, Tsamardinos T, Triantafillou S. Learning from mixture of experimental data: A constraint-based approach. In proceeding of 7th Hellenic Conference of Artificial Intelligence (SETN) 2012.
Incorporating Causal Prior Knowledge as Path-Constraints in Bayesian Networks and Maximal Ancestral 23-05-2012 Admin -- 3535 0 --
Borboudakis G and Tsamardinos I.:Incorporating Causal Prior Knowledge as Path-Constraints in Bayesian Networks and Maximal Ancestral Graphs. ICML 2012
A new Perspective on Closed-Loop Glucose Control using a Physiology-Based Pharmacokinetic / Pharmaco 08-08-2013 -- 2485 0 --
Schaller S., Willmann S., Schaupp L., Pieber T.R., Schuppert A., Lippert J., Eissing T.: A new Perspective on Closed-Loop Glucose Control using a Physiology-Based Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Model Kernel, 8th IFAC Symposium, 2012
Empowering Patients through a Patient Portal for an Improved Diabetes Management 08-08-2013 -- 4189 0 --
Karatzanis I., Kontogiannis V., Spanakis E.G., Chiarugi F., Fursse J., Jones R.W. in International Workshop on Advances in Personalized Healthcare Services, Wearable Mobile Monitoring, and Social Media Pervasive Technologies, APHS/MobiHealth 2012
Adopting Rule-Based Executions in SOA-Oriented Remote Patient Monitoring Platform with an Alarm and 08-08-2013 -- 2678 0 --
Asanin S., Rosengren P., Broden, T., Martins I.R.M., Barca C.C., Perez M., Montandon L., Stratakis M., Louloudakis S. in International Workshop on Advances in Personalized Healthcare Services, MobiHealth 2012
Scoring and Searching over Bayesian Networks with Informative, Causal and Associative Priors 09-08-2013 -- 2325 0 --
Borboudakis G and Tsamardinos I., in proceedings of the 29th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence - UAI 2013, July 12-14, 2013, Washington, United States.
A minimally invasive chip based near infrared sensor for continuous glucose monitoring 09-08-2013 -- 2329 0 --
Ben Mohammadi, L.; Sigloch, S.; Frese, I.; Stein, V.; Welzel, K.; Schmitz, F.; Klotzbücher, T., Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care III. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8427, article id. 84270K, 11 pp. (2012)
Scientific publications/presentations
Closed-loop insulin delivery using a physiology-based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model kernel 20-03-2012 Admin -- 1917 0 --
Stephan Schaller, Joerg Lippert, Lukas Schaupp, Thomas Pieber, Andreas Schuppert, Thomas Eissing. Poster presentation for ATTD 2012: Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes, Barcelona Spain, 8-11 February 2012
A mobile in-hospital application supporting insulin dosing for patients with diabetes type 2 20-03-2012 Admin -- 2419 0 --
S. Spat, B Holl, J Plank, L Schaupp, K Neubauer, P Beck, TR Pieber. Oral presentation for ATTD 2012: Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes, Barcelona Spain, 8-11 February 2012.
Novel Continous Glucose Monitoring Techniques within REACTION 20-02-2014 -- 2460 0 --
M. Hajnsek, F. Sinner, M. Rumpler, L. Ben Mohammadi, I. Frese, S. Sigloch, K. Welzel, V. Stein, T. Klotzbuecher, oral presentation at ATTD 2013
Workshop on telemedicine
Workshop Programme 01-12-2013 Admin 1.0 2051 0 --
The workshop programme
1_Introduction 02-12-2013 -- 2766 0 --
Introduction: Tendenser ved implementering af
2_Regulatory Framework 02-12-2013 -- 6461 0 --
Medical Device Directive/ePatch
3_MDD: Case GlucoTab 02-12-2013 -- 4208 0 --
Medical Device Directive for GlucoTab
4_Continua - Global Perspective 02-12-2013 -- 2127 0 --
Continua Health Alliance - Global Perspective
5_Continua in Denmark 02-12-2013 -- 5625 0 --
Continua Health Alliance in Denmark
6_Liability and Ethics 02-12-2013 -- 2210 0 --
Liability and Ethics
7_Business Models 02-12-2013 -- 2892 0 --
Sustainable Business Models for Telemedicine
8_HTA - MAST 02-12-2013 -- 2529 0 --
Health Technology Assessment
9_REACTION Primary Care Pilot 02-12-2013 -- 2504 0 --
HTA - REACTION Primary Care Pilot
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Most Recent: REACTION brochure [ 30062 ]