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The REACTION project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Personal Health Systems under Grant Agreement no. 248590

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Downloads: A mobile in-hospital application supporting insulin dosing for patients with diabetes type 2

Downloads Home > Scientific publications/presentations > A mobile in-hospital application supporting insulin dosing for patients with diabetes type 2

A mobile in-hospital application supporting insulin dosing for patients with diabetes type 2

Objective: Hyperglycaemia is associated with poor clinical outcome and increased mortality. In the hospital the aim is to cure the primary condition that caused the hospitalization and to keep other complications within certain limits which results very often in poor glycaemic control. In this abstract we present the results of the development of a mobile in-hospital glucose management system supporting insulin dosing for patients with diabetes type 2 to improve glycaemic control.
Methods: A team of physicians, nurses and engineers designed the user interface, the functionalities and the REACTION protocol for insulin dosing of the mobile glucose application. The REACTION-protocol is based on the basal/bolus-protocol of the RABBIT-2 trials of Umpierrez et al. (2009) which proved to be most promising. In the final step, we implemented the user requirements and findings of the protocol reviews in a software prototype according to the standards based on the Medical Device Directive.
Results: The software comprises three main functions: ´Blood Glucose Measurement´, ´Insulin Administration´ and´Therapy Adjustment´. Moreover, glucose values and administrated insulin are visualized.
Outlook: Currently the REACTION protocol is validated on paper in a clinical study. In the next step the electronic glucose management system including the protocol will be tested in a clinical study.
20. March 2012 09:50
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