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REACTION is affilliated with these programs and organisations:

REACTION is delivering better and more efficient healthcare services in Europe, thus supporting the Commissions activities in ICT for Health: eHealth.

The REACTION platform allows for the creation of inclusive applications with accessibility for all. The project supports the Commissions campaign: eInclusion - be part of it!

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The REACTION project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of Personal Health Systems under Grant Agreement no. 248590

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Downloads: Description of projects participating

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Description of projects participating

Presenting projects
Day 1:
Session Chairs: Gerald Cultot and Lydia Montandon

Reaction: a Service Platform for Remote Accessibility to Diabetes Management and Therapy
AP@home: Bringing the artificial pancreas home
Commodity12: A Smart e-Health Environment for Diabetes Management
Empower: an intelligent self-management pathway for diabetes patients
GoCarb: Food Image Understanding: How close can we get? Preliminary results of the GoCARB project

Session Chairs: Jan Komarek and Margherita Antona

Dali: exploring new frontiers for assisted living devices
Accompany: Acceptable robotiCs COMPanions for AgeiNg Years, concept and progress
GiraffPlus: Combining social interaction & long term monitoring for promoting independent living
Hobbit: The Mutual Care Robot

Session 3: SOCIAL CARE
Session Chairs: Jan Komarek and Angelina Kouroubali

p-Medicine: Smart recommendation services enabling patient profiling and intelligent patient-doctor interaction
BackHome, BrainAble: Brain Computer Interfaces on track to home to provide active independent living and telemonitoring services to the disabled.
Care@Home: SmartTV technology as window on the world and eHealth interface
inCASA: Presenting results from the inCASA Remote Monitoring Platform
Saapho: Context-aware participation, safety and healthcare services to foster Active Ageing
UniversAAL: An enabler of AAL service space

Day 2:
Session Chairs: Gerald Cultot and Franco Chiarugi

MovingLife: A roadmap for supporting mHealth wide deployment
Rempark: Technological approach for Parkinson Disease assessment and management
Dem@Care: Dementia Ambient Care: Multi-Sensing Monitoring for Intelligent Remote Management and Decision Support
eHealthMonitor: Knowledge Sharing for Patient Guidance eHealth Services
Antilope and Shared Care Platform: Adoption and take up of standards and profiles for eHealth interoperability and functionality to establish cross sector collaboration and continuity of care
MobiGuide: A Ubiquitous Knowledge-driven and Context-aware Clinical Guidance System

Session 5: FALLS
Session Chairs: Andreu Catala and Nick Guldemond

Farseeing: The design of smart and assistive environments that stimulate physical activity and prevent falls
I-Dont-Fall: An innovative solution to improve fall prevention and detection
Fate: Experiences on an automatic detection service of falls for elderly people
e-No Falls: First period results or/and the relation with EIP on Active and Healthy Aging A2 (Fall Prevention)

17. October 2013 15:50
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Most Downloaded: REACTION brochure [ 30062 ]
Most Recent: REACTION brochure [ 30062 ]